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15 najbolj srhljivih človeških parazitov

15 najbolj srhljivih človeških parazitov

Ne, paraziti niso del srednjega veka, temveč zelo zgovorni v današnjem času. 

Dr. Korepanov je postregel s srhljivimi številkami, ki govorijo o tem, da ima velika večina prebivalcev v sebi parazite, ki močno obremenjujejo imunski sistem. 

In da, malo nas je sram, ko to slišimo. Neprijetno nam je in strese nas. 

A dejstvo je, da obstajajo načini, da se jih znebimo in razbremenimo imunski sistem, vse težave, ki so na parazite vezane, teh pa je zares ogromno. 

V spodnjem posnetku 15 srhljivih človeških parazitov:

Dr. Korepanov, znani onkolog in fitoterapevt je naredil kombinacijo, ki pokriva celoten spekter parazitov in jih uničuje brez kemije in brez stranskih učinkov. 

Gre za kombinacijo lisičk (gobe), skorje trepetlike in nageljnovih žbic, po domače klinčkov. 

Uničuje vse parazite, ker deluje na uničenje živčnega sistema teh zajedalcev (hitamin manoza in ergosterol) in tudi na ličinke.

Fitoterapija v kombinaciji s fungoterapijo pa gre z roko v roko tudi pri uporabi zapperja. 

Zapper je namreč naprava, ki jo je razvila dr. Hulda Clark. 

S pomočjo šibkega električnega toka, ki ga pošiljamo skozi telo, le ta vpliva na:

  • parazite,
  • viruse,
  • bakterije in
  • glivice

ZAPPER RAPID 30kHz vam lahko pomaga pri: vdorih parazitov, dvigu energije, prebavnih težavah, nespečnosti, detoksifikaciji telesa, odvisnosti, vključno z odvisnostjo od nikotina, nevtraliziranje energij.

Naprava vključuje tudi orgonski akumulator. Več pa si poglejte na spodnjih povezavah.

Če pa vaš želodec prenese še kaj več, pa si poglejte spodnji posnetek, kjer so odstranili 13 centimetrski parazit iz očesa.


zdravilne gobe

Fungoterapija: Lisičke, trepetlika, nageljnove žbice

Kombinacija fitoterapije in fungoterapije, po recepturi ruskega onkologa dr. Korepanova.


Sorodne objave

Izpadanje las in fotobiomodulacija ali rdeča svetlobna terapija (alopecija areata in androgenetska alopecija)

Tukaj boste našli zapis o resnem izpadanju las, ne samo o situaciji, kjer se ti zdi, da je morda na krtači malo preveč …

Tedenski jedilnik za manj kilogramov! Hujšanje, vitkanje in zdrava izguba telesne teže

Dolgoletna priporočila omejevanja kalorij z namenom izgube odvečnihkilogramov so zavedla mnoge in danes vemo, da so …

Kaj je pogoj, da ženska zanosi? Kaj potrebuje ženska, preden zanosi? Priprava na zanositev

Kengurujka je oplojena in proces brejosti lahko dobesedno zaustavi in zamrzne do 2 leti. To mi je osebno povedal …



Komentiral Damjan |

Tudi če uspešno odstranimo trematode s to kombinacijo lisičk (gobe), skorje trepetlike in nageljnovih žbic, imamo tu še cestode (trakulja) in pa nemetode (ascaris-gliste). Paraziti se bojo sčasoma "vrnili", dokler jemo njihovo hrano. Primer: Fasciola Hepatica (metljaj), ki ga "dobimo" z mlečnimi in mesnimi izdelki, se prehranjuje z glutenom in gliadinom in pa z jedilnim oljem. Edina preventiva je veganska, brezglutenska prehrana in pa z z zadrževanjem čebule (Fasciolopsis buski). Jaz se že leto dni bojujem z njimi, zaenkrat uspešno. Še nekaj primerov prehrane parazitov:

Parasite’s favourite foods
The Prevention of all Cancers by Dr Hulda Clark

The Prevention of all Cancers by Dr Hulda Clark

by Dr Hulda Clark
Ascaris lumbricoides, pet roundworm
Quercitin (squash & pumpkin, undercooked)Ascaris megalocephala, pet roundworm
D-carnitine (meat of domestic animals, not free-range, organic)Clonorchis sinensis, human liver fluke
Oats, cooked or raw

Dirofilaria, dog heartworm
Lactose (milk sugar)

Echinoporyphium recurvatum

Eurytrema pancreaticum, pancreatic fluke
Lemon and lauric acid (food oil)

Fasciolopsis buski, human intestinal fluke
Raw onion (allyl sulphide, diallyl sulphide, allyl methyl suphide, and other onion-like substances in the lily family

Wheat (gluten and gliadin); metacercaria stage, requires lauric acid, food oil

Onchocerca, filarial roundworm
Corn, cooked and linolenic acid (food oil)

Paragonimus, lung fluke

Plasmodium faciparum vivax, malariae (malaria)
Different stages need iron disulfide, wheat, lemon, melanin (plantain), ASA, pyrrhole, and others

Strongyloides, roundworm
Potatoes, raw or cooked and linolenic acid (food oil)

The fastest way to get rid of any pest, like ants or mice, is to have no food for them. Would this principle work for internal pests too? Does Fasciolopsis have a special food it depends on? Insects with a complex life cycle that include a caterpillar sometimes depend on a single plant to provide essential food factors. The Monarch butterfly is an example. It must have milkweed plant to grow its larva. Potato beetles need a potato plant. The cabbage butterfly needs the cabbage plant. Some factor in these foods is required by the pest for its eggs to hatch or larval stages to grow. Fasciolopsis requires onion.

When the tiniest bit of raw onion is eaten its strong sulfide substances arrive quickly at all the Fasciolopsis stages hidden in your body. New stages can now develop and their population booms. Withholding onion is powerful. The famine we create cuts their population in half in 5 days, and again in half in another 5 days. But many sources of onion are so unexpected, it is almost impossible to avoid completely. Most kitchen spices I tested and even a sample of organic butter had onion-chemicals in them! Almost every spice and flavoring has them. The only way to rout the last remnant of onion is with a diet that is also completely devoid of canned food and processed food for two weeks. And at the same time using a supplement called MSM, which reacts and combines with any onion-chemicals left. Taking digestive enzymes helps remove tiny leftovers too. This is the 3rd way to kill Fasciolopsis on a large scale. And the search is on to find the essential foods of other parasites: See the incomplete table below: (actually above)

When we stop eating plants with onion-factors Fasciolopsis disappears without any side-effects! No detox symptoms occur! They must swim away!

Onions belong to the lily family. The lily family includes only a few foods: onions, garlic, leeks, chives, and asparagus. They have an assortment of onion food factors. Certain non-lily plants: cilantro, beans, peas, lentils (after cooking once), peanuts (after roasting), even aloe vera have onion factors. The solution for these vegetables is to cook them thoroughly. Unfortunately canned and processed food escapes being cooked enough! Our plan will be to stay away from these foods until the cancer is conquered, however long that may be. In one week the Fasciolopsis population will be decimated. But we should kill them with direct methods too, with herbs and zapping to speed up your recovery. Getting rid of more Fasciolopsis is the fastest way to get rid of food allergies as well as get your health back.
There is another way, besides herbs, zapping and nutrient withholding to delaminate parasites from your body. I believe it is the body’s own way, although we know nothing about it. The body normally uses benzoquinone (BQ) and rhozidonic acid (RZ), besides its own DMSO and a host of other very powerful chemicals. It makes these itself, but in extremely tiny amounts, like vitamin B12 or a hormone.

And it uses the body’s own electricity as we will see.
In cancer, as well as AIDS and other diseases, large parts of the body are no longer making BQ or RZ nor the other powerful chemical “weapons”. We will find a way to help the body make them again through homeography.

Obvestilo o uporabi spletnih piškotkov

Za namen zagotavljanja boljše funkcionalnosti, uporabniške izkušnje, varnosti, nemotenega delovanja ter štetja uporabnikov na spletnem mestu uporabljamo spletne piškotke.

Nujni piškotki so potrebni za optimalno delovanje spletne strani, ostali piškotki pa se uporabljajo za prilagoditev vsebin in oglasov ter analizo obiskanosti spletne strani.

Za več informacij si preberite pojasnilo o spletnih piškotkih, kjer lahko vedno zavrnete posamezne spletne piškotke.